Private Lessons Read online

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  “You’re doing great,” Dustin encouraged when they got to the bottom and stood together waiting for the next chair. “How am I doing? Piss you off yet?”

  “You’ve had your moments,” Denise replied with a small smile. “But I haven’t wanted to throttle you…yet.”

  “Good to know,” Dustin said with a thoughtful, calm tone in his voice. “I will do my level best to stay on your good side. We at Breckenridge Mountain pride ourselves on not pissing off our guests, at least not too much.” Although Denise turned her head away, Dustin thought he heard a small chuckle escape her lips and he smiled, delighted that he had made her laugh. Riding up in the chair the rest of the way in silence, Dustin hoped she would stick around and take more private lessons so he could get to know her better. He was beginning to get sick of the dating website thing and meeting women there that just weren’t his type.


  The next day as Dennie sat at her desk reviewing the x-rays of a new patient, she thought about Brad, a man she had met a week ago on the computer and had been talking back and forth with a lot since that initial contact. All of his stats aligned with what she preferred and his sexual preferences made her hot just reading them. Finally deciding to take a chance, she sent him a request for pictures. When he sent some back with his personal email address, she was actually encouraged and sent him her photo. He had sort of a Tom Cruise thing going on and even though he was six years older than her, he looked really fit and there was something sexy about him. Although he lived about an hour away in Vail, that didn’t discourage her. He was an inventory control manager for a multi-million dollar company, lived in Vail most of his life, and loved being active outdoors. When she had originally set up her dating profile with the fake name of Carrie, she had also set up a separate email account. She wanted to be very cautious and have no personal information shared until she got to know someone really well. Feeling good about the connection they were having, they had eagerly made plans to meet for lunch this weekend in a town halfway between Breckenridge and Vail. If they hit it off, she would tell him her real name.

  As Dennie drove to the restaurant to meet Brad, she found herself a little nervous. It was a beautiful winter day and the sun was cascading down and heating up her car. Adjusting the heat down a little bit to accommodate the extra warmth from the sun, she thought back to some of the emails between them. He seemed genuinely warm and intelligent. His photo also had her very intrigued. She wondered if she would recognize him from his picture, but hoped he would recognize her if she didn’t. As she contemplated the lunch date, she couldn’t help but wonder whether they’d be sexually attracted to each other. If they were, she wondered, then what? Of course the opposite made her nervous too. What if they got together and there was no chemistry, or if only one found the other attractive? Crap, she thought as she rounded the corner to the restaurant. This is so damn complicated. Well, here goes nothing. Parking the car, she looked at her watch and noted she was right on time. As she walked into the restaurant, she stood for a moment to let her eyes adjust from the bright sun and looked around. Thankfully not a moment passed before she saw the familiar face from the picture as Brad approached her with a smile.

  “Hey Carrie, you look beautiful,” Brad said as he gave her a friendly hug. “I was hoping you wouldn’t bail on me at the last minute.”

  Dennie loved his honesty and vulnerability. “Well, you could have done that to me too. But we both made it, so I guess that’s a good start.”

  Giving her a warm smile, Brad said, “Follow me. I already got us a table.” As Dennie followed him, she couldn’t help but check out his ass. Dennie was really sexually attracted to a man’s ass and she was pleasantly surprised that he had a very good one. God, she thought as her eyes stayed glued to his butt. It’s been way too long since I’ve had sex. When they reached the table, they looked at each other and smiled. Dennie felt unusually shy, which was surprising because she was not a shy person. But Brad took the reins and all through lunch, he talked about his job, asked about hers and about her personal interests. Dennie was really enjoying herself and she found him every bit as attractive, if not more so from his picture. She could tell he was also enjoying their time together.

  Just as she was about to propose getting together again, perhaps for dinner, a couple about Brad’s age walked up to the table. The man said loudly, “Hey there, Brad. Long time no see!” As Dennie looked over at Brad, he looked stricken. As the man clapped Brad on the shoulder, he asked, “How are the wife and kids doing? The boys must be teenagers by now. Is Lisa still teaching?” At that moment, Dennie turned to stone as she watched him looking sheepish and uncomfortable. As the couple jabbered on, Dennie could feel her face reddening in anger and felt her heart pounding. The bastard is married? What the fuck? His profile said single. As much as Dennie wanted to just get up and walk out the door, she had enough manners to not create an embarrassing situation for the couple, so she just sat quietly wringing her hands under the table and seething. The moment the couple finally said their goodbyes and moved away, Dennie reached for her purse, stood up and walked out of the restaurant without saying a word.


  “So…how was the date?” Sharon inquired on Monday morning. “Was he nice? Was he as good looking as the picture? Did you guys hook up?”

  Throwing her purse under the reception desk, she looked at Sharon and answered, “Married.”

  “What?” shrieked Sharon. “I thought you said he was single.” Dennie just shook her head in affirmation. Sharon was quiet for a moment and then shared her own experiences. “Den, some people on these sites do lie. One of the biggest lies I remember when I was on there was guys saying they were younger than they were. It always cracked me up because a guy would say he’s 33 years old, but when you looked at the picture, you could tell he was older than that. Sometimes guys lie about their birthday because if they did have a spouse or a significant other who happened to stumble upon their profile, posting a different age or birth date could possibly throw the woman off. The worst thing that I bumped into was someone posting a picture that wasn’t him at all. I remember a couple of guys asking me if my picture was really me!”

  As Dennie listened to her friend intently, she asked, “Then what’s the point of wasting my time on this dating site if everyone is lying in one way or another? This just seems like nine miles of bad road going nowhere!”

  “I know you’re frustrated, Den, but it’s like anything else. There are good guys out there who are honest and really nice people who are looking for a good relationship. You just need to pick and choose very carefully and keep your real name and personal information private until you’re really sure about someone.” As Sharon turned to head back to her office she called over her shoulder, “Don’t give up, Den. I have a feeling there’s a really good guy out there. You just haven’t met him yet.”

  Letting out a loud sarcastic grunt, Dennie headed for her office mumbling, “Yeah, we’ll see about that.”


  Although Dustin was very intrigued by Denise Spencer, he really didn’t know anything about her. Because she wore gloves during her lessons he had no idea if she was married. If she wasn’t married, perhaps she was involved with someone. It was too soon to think about her as anything other than just his student and even then, he didn’t know how long she would continue taking private lessons. As he sat this particular Thursday evening at his computer checking out women on the dating website that he occasionally logged into, he stumbled upon a profile he had never seen before. Her profile name said simply…Carrie. Curious, he read her profile. Instantly he was intrigued by her stats. She was tall, 35 years old, an Aries, weighed 140 pounds and never smoked. Looking further, he was even more intrigued by the sexual encounters she would be open to. Dustin had a very kinky sexual appetite and from reading about all of the things Carrie was open to, he could feel himself getting aroused. This was a woman who liked being dominated, spanked, and was int
o bondage and experimentation. She was also into sex toys, blindfolding and oral sex. Dustin’s eyes nearly popped out of his head as he continued reading her profile and his cock was definitely getting uncomfortable as it strained against his underwear. As he read further about what she was looking for in a man, he almost screamed out with joy. She preferred a tall, dark haired man with facial hair. That was Dustin to a T! He had recently grown a goatee to keep his face warm while he was out on the slopes all day and he planned to keep it indefinitely. There must be something wrong with her, Dustin thought suspiciously. This profile is too good to be true. Putting his suspicions aside, Dustin sent her a message and hoped for the best.

  The message read:

  Hello, Carrie, How are you? I read your profile and wanted to reach out so you can check my profile and see if you’re interested in communicating. I see you live in Breckenridge. So do I. Check me out and message me back if you like. If you want to email me, Outdoor Man.

  Hello, Outdoor Man. This is Carrie from the dating website. I read your profile. I have to be honest. I’ve had a few bad experiences on this site, so forgive me if I’m suspicious. Is all of your information correct? Are you really single?

  I know what you mean, Carrie. I’ve been disappointed, too. But yes, everything is correct. I’m a pretty straight shooter. And speaking of that, I would be lying if I didn’t tell you that I got very aroused when I read your sexual preferences. I had to take care of myself after reading it! It sounds like you really enjoy sex! I hope I’m not being to forward saying that.

  You’re not being too forward. It actually made me laugh! I was turned on by your preferences as well. I hope you didn’t miss the fact that I’m tall. A lot of men want petite women and I am quite the opposite. I am tall and fairly big boned. I’m not fat, but I have a few extra pounds from not getting enough exercise this past year. I just started exercising recently and I hope that will take off those crappy few pounds.

  Why don’t you send me a picture of yourself and let me be the judge! I am not into petite skinny women. I want a woman who looks like one and feels like one. I am also tall, as you probably noted. I am very fit and muscular due to my profession. And just so you know, I have dark hair and a goatee!

  Good lord, Dennie thought to herself as she sat reading Outdoor Man’s most recent email. He wants me to send him a picture. Not knowing whether to do this or not, she picked up the phone and called Sharon. “I’m talking with someone new on the dating site. He wants me to send him a picture. I think I kinda like the guy so far, but I’m not sure if this is safe. What do you think?”

  “A lot of people send a picture but cut out the face,” Sharon responded. “That’s a first good step while you continue to get to know each other. You never know if this guy may be one of your patients, so best to keep the mystery going a little bit longer. Just stand in front of your mirror and take a selfie from the neck down.”

  As Dennie hung up the phone, she thought that was a very reasonable compromise. After all, if he wasn’t attracted to her body, it would save them both some time. Later that evening after having a couple glasses of wine, Dennie got a very naughty thought and decided to have fun with it. She wasn’t going to send him just a picture. She was going to send him a picture of her fully naked! Talk about saving them both some time! And with her fake name and head cropped out, even if things never proceeded with them, she was still totally anonymous. She went to her bedroom, stripped off all her clothes, then took a few shots in different positions to show her body in the best possible light. When she was happy with one of them in particular, she sent it to his email. Taking a big breath, she wrote:

  Okay, Outdoor Man…you asked for it. For better or worse, this is my body with the extra pounds! Thought I’d save us both some time by getting right to the meat of the matter. Ha!

  When Dustin downloaded the picture, expecting something completely different, his jaw dropped when he saw a woman’s beautiful naked body. Was he dreaming? He loved this girl’s direct style and inhibition. Oh yes indeed, he loved that body! She was beautiful and he wanted to put his hands all over it and do every dirty thing he could think of to her. Once again, his shaft was reacting with a mind of its own. If her body could do this to him with just a picture, god help him if he ever really did get his hands on the real thing. All of a sudden he decided that if she was brave enough to do this, then he owed her one in return. That was only fair, after all.

  Oh my god, Carrie, you have no idea how beautiful your body is. My heart is pounding, my dick is swollen, and I can’t take my eyes off you! If you have a few extra pounds somewhere, I certainly can’t find them. You are breathtaking. I love every curve on you and your breasts are making my mouth water. You are a very naughty girl for teasing me this way. I wish I could reach through the computer screen and touch you. Attached, you will find a picture of me.

  As Dennie sat at her computer screen after her 2 p.m. appointment, she just stared at Outdoor Man’s naked photo and wished she could pleasure herself that very moment. She was in awe. He wasn’t lying when he said he was muscular and fit. And the size of his cock was amazing. She loved his muscular thighs and sculpted chest. As she sat staring at his picture with her mouth open, Sharon popped her head in and said, “Hey Den. Whatcha doin’? You look very intense. Is everything okay?”

  “Come over here,” Dennie replied. “Look at this.” As Sharon came around Dennie’s desk, she leaned forward to see what had caught her partner’s rapt attention.

  “Oh my God.” She screamed and then quickly covered her mouth with her hands. Toning down her voice she asked quietly, “Is that Outdoor Man? Seriously! Tell me, tell me!” Nodding her head without taking her eyes of the screen, Dennie confirmed that it was indeed him. “That boy has one rockin’ body. If I wasn’t happily married I would take that man to my bedroom in a heartbeat! I wouldn’t care what his face looked like! Jeeze, Den. And you sent him your naked pic too, right?”

  As the two women sat staring at Outdoor Man’s photo and chatted about possible next steps, both were disappointed that they had to pry themselves away from the computer because they had patients waiting. “Thanks for sharing that picture with me, Den,” Sharon said sarcastically as they walked out of Dennie’s office together. “I’m going to be distracted all damn afternoon.” Laughing at her friend’s response, she grunted that she would be as well.


  When Dustin arrived to the mountain for another day of ski lessons, he was absolutely thrilled that Denise Spencer was on his roster for noon. It had been a week since he had seen her, and although he was completely mesmerized by Carrie and their growing on-line friendship, he was still very happy to see Denise again. When noon finally arrived, Dustin went out to the instructors’ post to wait for her. Only moments later, he saw her in the familiar red ski suit trudging toward him with skis in hand.

  “Well, well,” Dustin greeted. “I’m glad to see the first two lessons didn’t turn you off from skiing. I feel privileged that you’ve chosen to return to our lovely mountain for more abuse!”

  Stopping in front of him, Denise dropped her skis, put her hand on her hip in the defiant style that Dustin thought was adorable, and retorted, “Just so you know, the jury is still out on whether I like this damn nonsense or not. By the time I crawl into this huge ski outfit, struggle to get the boots on, and drag myself out here with the skis, I’m so exhausted that I’m ready to go right back to work.”

  As Dustin laughed at her ill humor, he teased, “Then it must be my dazzling personality, rugged good looks, and awesome instruction that keeps bringing you back for more!” As she let out an unintelligible response, Dustin said, “Now quit your complaining, get those skis on, and follow me.”

  Looking up at him with a sneer, she gave him a sarcastic salute and mumbled, “Bossy,” under her breath.

  Throughout the next hour, Dustin and Denise teased each other back and forth. Denise was really beginning to like this guy as a person and she th
ought he was sexy and a really good teacher. She was curious whether he was married or not, but couldn’t tell because of the ski gloves and felt it was too early to ask such a personal question. She was absolutely not ready to let him know she kinda liked him. He was tall, very attractive, and she thought his goatee was sexy as hell. She hadn’t seen him without his ski hat yet, but because his goatee was dark, she was pretty sure his hair was, too.

  “So,” Denise asked as they rode the chair lift for a final run. “How long have you been a ski instructor? And what do you do to torture people in the off months?”

  As usual, her spit fire personality made him laugh. He explained that he worked for a local recreation outfitter and that he took tourists on all kinds of guided outdoor tours during the remainder of the year. By the time he finished sharing, they’d arrived at the top of the slope and the conversation went back to business as he coached her down the mountain, giving her praise and encouragement all the way.

  Denise was feeling so good about his praise that she made the mistake of getting a little too cocky and the next thing she knew, she fell flat on her ass. “Shit,” she spat out with annoyance. Trying to get back up, she couldn’t get any traction because of a small patch of ice and was unable to get herself upright. Feeling totally helpless and like a fool for not being able to stand, she was grateful when Dustin reached down for her hand, lodged his right ski in front of the tips of her skis so they would stay in place, and pulled her up. The force of his assistance was so strong that as she got to a standing position, she fell right into his chest with their faces only inches from each other’s. Denise didn’t know whether to feel mortified or whether she wanted to throw him down on the snow and make out with him. She could smell the light scent of his cologne, and as she braced her hands on his arms for support she could feel his goatee lightly touching her cheek. What surprised her most was that Dustin didn’t pull away. He just stood still while she held onto him, trying to regain her balance. There was something about being in his arms that sent shivers through her body and it was definitely not because it was a cold winter day.